Source code for fiberassign.tiles

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Functions for loading the tiles

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import re

import warnings

import numpy as np

from datetime import datetime

import desimodel
from desimodel.focalplane.fieldrot import field_rotation_angle

import astropy.time

from ._internal import Tiles

[docs]def load_tiles(tiles_file=None, select=None, obstime=None, obstheta=None, obsha=None): """Load tiles from a file. Load tile data either from the specified file or from the default provided by desimodel. Optionally select a subset of tile IDs. Args: tiles_file (str): Optional path to a FITS format footprint file. select (list): List of tile IDs to keep when reading the file. obstime (str): An ISO format string to override the observing time of all tiles. obstheta (float): The angle in degrees to override the field rotation of all tiles. obsha (float): The Hour Angle in degrees to design the observation of all tiles. Returns: (Tiles): A Tiles object. """ # Read in the tile information if tiles_file is None: tiles_file ='footprint/desi-tiles.fits') tiles_data =, cache=False) keeprows = np.arange(len(tiles_data)) if select is not None: keeprows = np.where(np.isin(tiles_data["TILEID"], select))[0] # astropy ERFA doesn't like the future warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', message= r'ERFA function \"[a-z0-9_]+\" yielded [0-9]+ of \"dubious year') if obstime is not None: # obstime is given, use that for all tiles obsdate = astropy.time.Time(obstime) obsmjd = [obsdate.mjd,] * len(keeprows) obsdatestr = [obsdate.isot, ] * len(keeprows) elif "OBSDATE" in tiles_data.names: # We have the obsdate for every tile in the file. obsdate = [astropy.time.Time(x) for x in tiles_data["OBSDATE"][keeprows]] obsmjd = [x.mjd for x in obsdate] obsdatestr = [x.isot for x in obsdate] else: # default to middle of the survey obsdate = astropy.time.Time('2022-07-01') obsmjd = [obsdate.mjd,] * len(keeprows) obsdatestr = [obsdate.isot, ] * len(keeprows) # Eventually, call a function from desimodel to query the field # rotation and hour angle for every tile time. if obstheta is None: theta_obs = list() for tra, tdec, mjd in zip( tiles_data["RA"][keeprows], tiles_data["DEC"][keeprows], obsmjd): th = field_rotation_angle(tra, tdec, mjd) theta_obs.append(th) theta_obs = np.array(theta_obs) else: # support scalar or array obstheta inputs theta_obs = np.zeros(len(keeprows), dtype=np.float64) theta_obs[:] = obstheta # default to zero Hour Angle; may be refined later ha_obs = np.zeros(len(keeprows), dtype=np.float64) if obsha is not None: ha_obs[:] = obsha tls = Tiles(tiles_data["TILEID"][keeprows], tiles_data["RA"][keeprows], tiles_data["DEC"][keeprows], tiles_data["OBSCONDITIONS"][keeprows], obsdatestr, theta_obs, ha_obs) return tls