Source code for fiberassign.scripts.assign

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

High-level functions for running assignment.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import sys
import argparse
import re

from ..utils import GlobalTimers, Logger

from ..hardware import load_hardware, get_default_exclusion_margins

from ..tiles import load_tiles

from ..gfa import get_gfa_targets

from ..targets import (str_to_target_type, TARGET_TYPE_SCIENCE,
                       TARGET_TYPE_SKY, TARGET_TYPE_SUPPSKY,
                       TARGET_TYPE_SAFE, Targets, TargetsAvailable,
                       load_target_file, targets_in_tiles,

from ..assign import (Assignment, write_assignment_fits,
                      result_path, run)

from ..stucksky import stuck_on_sky

[docs]def parse_assign(optlist=None): """Parse assignment options. This parses either sys.argv or a list of strings passed in. If passing an option list, you can create that more easily using the :func:`option_list` function. Args: optlist (list, optional): Optional list of arguments to parse instead of using sys.argv. Returns: (namespace): an ArgumentParser namespace. """ log = Logger.get() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() margins = get_default_exclusion_margins() parser.add_argument("--targets", type=str, required=True, nargs="+", help="Input file with targets of any type. This " "argument can be specified multiple times (for " "example if standards / skies / science targets are " "in different files). By default, the " "'--mask_column' (default DESI_TARGET)" "column and bitfield values defined in desitarget " "are used to determine the type of each target. " "Each filename may be optionally followed by comma " "and then one of the strings 'science', 'standard', " "'sky' or 'safe' to force all targets in that file " "to be treated as a fixed target type.") parser.add_argument("--sky", type=str, required=False, nargs="+", help="Input file with sky or 'bad sky' targets. " "This option exists in order to treat main-survey" " sky target files as valid for other survey types." " If you are running a main survey assignment, you" " can just pass the sky file to the --targets list.") parser.add_argument("--gfafile", type=str, required=False, default=None, help="Optional GFA targets FITS file") parser.add_argument("--footprint", type=str, required=False, default=None, help="Optional FITS file defining the footprint. If" " not specified, the default footprint from desimodel" " is used.") parser.add_argument("--tiles", type=str, required=False, default=None, help="Optional text file containing a subset of the" " tile IDs to use in the footprint, one ID per line." " Default uses all tiles in the footprint.") parser.add_argument("--rundate", type=str, required=False, default=None, help="Optional date to simulate for this run of " "fiber assignment, used to load the correct " "focalplane properties and state from desimodel. " "Default uses the current date. Format is " "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+-zz:zz.") parser.add_argument("--obsdate", type=str, required=False, default="2022-07-01", help="Plan field rotations for this date (YEARMMDD, " "or ISO 8601 YEAR-MM-DD with or without time).") parser.add_argument("--ha", type=float, required=False, default=0., help="Design for the given Hour Angle in degrees.") parser.add_argument("--fieldrot", type=float, required=False, default=None, help="Override obsdate and use this field rotation " "for all tiles (degrees counter clockwise in CS5)") parser.add_argument("--dir", type=str, required=False, default=None, help="Output directory.") parser.add_argument("--prefix", type=str, required=False, default="fba-", help="Prefix of each file (before the <tile>.fits).") parser.add_argument("--split", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Split output into tile prefix directories.") parser.add_argument("--standards_per_petal", type=int, required=False, default=10, help="Required number of standards per" " petal") parser.add_argument("--sky_per_petal", type=int, required=False, default=40, help="Required number of sky targets per" " petal") parser.add_argument("--sky_per_slitblock", type=int, required=False, default=1, help="Required number of sky targets per" " fiber slitblock") parser.add_argument("--margin-pos", "--margin_pos", type=float, required=False, default=margins['pos'], help="Add margin (in mm) around positioner keep-out polygons") parser.add_argument("--margin-petal", "--margin_petal", type=float, required=False, default=margins['petal'], help="Add margin (in mm) around petal-boundary keep-out polygons") parser.add_argument("--margin-gfa", "--margin_gfa", type=float, required=False, default=margins['gfa'], help="Add margin (in mm) around GFA keep-out polygons") parser.add_argument("--write_all_targets", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="When writing target properties, write data " "for all available targets, not just those which are " "assigned. This is convenient, but increases the " "write time and the file size.") parser.add_argument("--overwrite", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Overwrite any pre-existing output files") parser.add_argument("--mask_column", required=False, default=None, help="FITS column to use for applying target " "masks") parser.add_argument("--sciencemask", required=False, default=None, help="Default DESI_TARGET mask to use for science " "targets") parser.add_argument("--stdmask", required=False, default=None, help="Default DESI_TARGET mask to use for stdstar " "targets") parser.add_argument("--gaia_stdmask", required=False, default=None, help="Default MWS_TARGET mask to use for Gaia stdstar " "targets (for BACKUP program)") parser.add_argument("--skymask", required=False, default=None, help="Default DESI_TARGET mask to use for sky targets") parser.add_argument("--safemask", required=False, default=None, help="Default DESI_TARGET mask to use for safe " "backup targets") parser.add_argument("--excludemask", required=False, default=None, help="Default DESI_TARGET mask to exclude from " "any assignments") parser.add_argument("--by_tile", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Do assignment one tile at a time. This disables" " redistribution.") parser.add_argument("--no_redistribute", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Disable redistribution of science targets.") parser.add_argument("--no_zero_obsremain", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Disable oversubscription of science targets with leftover fibers.") parser.add_argument("--lookup_sky_source", required=False, default="ls", choices=["ls", "gaia"], help="Source for the look-up table for sky positions for stuck fibers:" " 'ls': uses $SKYBRICKS_DIR; 'gaia': uses $SKYHEALPIXS_DIR (default=ls)") args = None if optlist is None: args = parser.parse_args() else: args = parser.parse_args(optlist) if is None: = list() # If any of the masks are strings, determine the survey type from # the first target file to know which bitmask to use if isinstance(args.sciencemask, str) or \ isinstance(args.stdmask, str) or \ isinstance(args.gaia_stdmask, str) or \ isinstance(args.skymask, str) or \ isinstance(args.safemask, str) or \ isinstance(args.excludemask, str): import fitsio from desitarget.targets import main_cmx_or_sv data =[0], 1, rows=[0,1]) filecols, filemasks, filesurvey = main_cmx_or_sv(data) desi_mask = filemasks[0] mws_mask = filemasks[2] # convert str bit names -> int bit mask if isinstance(args.sciencemask, str): try: args.sciencemask = int(args.sciencemask) except ValueError: args.sciencemask = desi_mask.mask(args.sciencemask.replace(",","|")) if isinstance(args.stdmask, str): try: args.stdmask = int(args.stdmask) except ValueError: args.stdmask = desi_mask.mask(args.stdmask.replace(",", "|")) if isinstance(args.gaia_stdmask, str): try: args.gaia_stdmask = int(args.gaia_stdmask) except ValueError: args.gaia_stdmask = mws_mask.mask(args.gaia_stdmask.replace(",", "|")) if isinstance(args.skymask, str): try: args.skymask = int(args.skymask) except ValueError: args.skymask = desi_mask.mask(args.skymask.replace(",", "|")) if isinstance(args.safemask, str): try: args.safemask = int(args.safemask) except ValueError: args.safemask = desi_mask.mask(args.safemask.replace(",", "|")) if isinstance(args.excludemask, str): try: args.excludemask = int(args.excludemask) except ValueError: args.excludemask = desi_mask.mask(args.excludemask.replace(",","|")) # convert YEARMMDD to YEAR-MM-DD to be ISO 8601 compatible if re.match('\d{8}', args.obsdate): year = args.obsdate[0:4] mm = args.obsdate[4:6] dd = args.obsdate[6:8] #- Note: ISO8601 does not require time portion args.obsdate = '{}-{}-{}'.format(year, mm, dd) # Set output directory if args.dir is None: if args.rundate is None: raise RuntimeError( "You must specify the output directory or the rundate") args.dir = "out_fiberassign_{}".format(args.rundate) # Set up margins dict args.margins = dict(pos=args.margin_pos, petal=args.margin_petal, gfa=args.margin_gfa) return args
def run_assign_init(args, plate_radec=True): """Initialize assignment inputs. This uses the previously parsed options to load the input files needed. Args: args (namespace): The parsed arguments. Returns: (tuple): The (Hardware, Tiles, Targets) needed to run assignment. Notes: 20210930 : add args.rundate in load_target_file() for the targets, for default_main_stdmask(). """ log = Logger.get() # Read hardware properties hw = load_hardware(rundate=args.rundate, add_margins=args.margins) # Read tiles we are using tileselect = None if args.tiles is not None: tileselect = list() with open(args.tiles, "r") as f: for line in f: # Try to convert the first column to an integer. try: tileselect.append(int(line.split()[0])) except ValueError: pass tiles = load_tiles(tiles_file=args.footprint, select=tileselect, obstime=args.obsdate, obstheta=args.fieldrot, obsha=args.ha) # Before doing significant calculations, check for pre-existing files if not args.overwrite: for tileid in outfile = result_path(tileid, dir=args.dir, prefix=args.prefix, split=args.split) if os.path.exists(outfile): outdir = os.path.split(outfile)[0] log.error("Output files already exist in {}".format(outdir)) log.error("either remove them or use --overwrite") sys.exit(1) # Create empty target list tgs = Targets() # Create structure for carrying along auxiliary target data not needed by C++. tagalong = create_tagalong(plate_radec=plate_radec) # Append each input target file. These target files must all be of the # same survey type, and will set the Targets object to be of that survey. for tgarg in args.targets: tgprops = tgarg.split(",") tgfile = tgprops[0] typeforce = None if len(tgprops) > 1: # we are forcing the target type for this file typeforce = str_to_target_type(tgprops[1]) load_target_file(tgs, tagalong, tgfile, typeforce=typeforce, typecol=args.mask_column, sciencemask=args.sciencemask, stdmask=args.stdmask, skymask=args.skymask, safemask=args.safemask, excludemask=args.excludemask, gaia_stdmask=args.gaia_stdmask, rundate=args.rundate) # Now load the sky target files. These are main-survey files that we will # force to be treated as the survey type of the other target files. survey = tgs.survey() for tgarg in load_target_file(tgs, tagalong, tgarg, survey=survey, typeforce=typeforce, typecol=args.mask_column, sciencemask=args.sciencemask, stdmask=args.stdmask, skymask=args.skymask, safemask=args.safemask, excludemask=args.excludemask, gaia_stdmask=args.gaia_stdmask) return (hw, tiles, tgs, tagalong)
[docs]def run_assign_full(args, plate_radec=True): """Run fiber assignment over all tiles simultaneously. This uses the previously parsed options to read input data and run through the typical assignment sequence doing one step at a time over all tiles. It then writes to the outputs to disk. Args: args (namespace): The parsed arguments. Returns: None """ gt = GlobalTimers.get() gt.start("run_assign_full calculation") # Load data hw, tiles, tgs, tagalong = run_assign_init(args, plate_radec=plate_radec) # Find targets within tiles, and project their RA,Dec positions # into focal-plane coordinates. gt.start("Compute targets locations in tile") tile_targetids, tile_x, tile_y, tile_xy_cs5 = targets_in_tiles(hw, tgs, tiles, tagalong) gt.stop("Compute targets locations in tile") # Compute the targets available to each fiber for each tile. gt.start("Compute Targets Available") tgsavail = TargetsAvailable(hw, tiles, tile_targetids, tile_x, tile_y) gt.stop("Compute Targets Available") # Free the target locations del tile_targetids, tile_x, tile_y # Compute the fibers on all tiles available for each target and sky gt.start("Compute Locations Available") favail = LocationsAvailable(tgsavail) gt.stop("Compute Locations Available") # Find stuck positioners and compute whether they will land on acceptable # sky locations for each tile. gt.start("Compute Stuck locations on good sky") stucksky = stuck_on_sky(hw, tiles, args.lookup_sky_source, rundate=getattr(args, 'rundate', None)) if stucksky is None: # (the pybind code doesn't like None when a dict is expected...) stucksky = {} gt.stop("Compute Stuck locations on good sky") # Create assignment object gt.start("Construct Assignment") asgn = Assignment(tgs, tgsavail, favail, stucksky) gt.stop("Construct Assignment") run( asgn, args.standards_per_petal, args.sky_per_petal, args.sky_per_slitblock, redistribute=(not args.no_redistribute), use_zero_obsremain=(not args.no_zero_obsremain) ) gt.stop("run_assign_full calculation") gt.start("run_assign_full write output") # Make sure that output directory exists if not os.path.isdir(args.dir): os.makedirs(args.dir) # Optionally get GFA targets gfa_targets = None if args.gfafile is not None: gfa_targets = get_gfa_targets(tiles, args.gfafile) # Write output write_assignment_fits(tiles, tagalong, asgn, out_dir=args.dir, out_prefix=args.prefix, split_dir=args.split, all_targets=args.write_all_targets, gfa_targets=gfa_targets, overwrite=args.overwrite, stucksky=stucksky, tile_xy_cs5=tile_xy_cs5) gt.stop("run_assign_full write output") return
[docs]def run_assign_bytile(args): """Run fiber assignment tile-by-tile. This uses the previously parsed options to read input data and run through the typical assignment sequence on a single tile before moving on to the next. It then writes to the outputs to disk. Args: args (namespace): The parsed arguments. Returns: None """ gt = GlobalTimers.get() gt.start("run_assign_bytile calculation") # Load data hw, tiles, tgs, tagalong = run_assign_init(args) # Find targets within tiles, and project their RA,Dec positions # into focal-plane coordinates. gt.start("Compute targets locations in tile") tile_targetids, tile_x, tile_y, tile_xy_cs5 = targets_in_tiles(hw, tgs, tiles, tagalong) gt.stop("Compute targets locations in tile") # Compute the targets available to each fiber for each tile. gt.start("Compute Targets Available") tgsavail = TargetsAvailable(hw, tiles, tile_targetids, tile_x, tile_y) gt.stop("Compute Targets Available") # Free the target locations del tile_targetids, tile_x, tile_y # Compute the fibers on all tiles available for each target and sky gt.start("Compute Locations Available") favail = LocationsAvailable(tgsavail) gt.stop("Compute Locations Available") # Find stuck positioners and compute whether they will land on acceptable # sky locations for each tile. gt.start("Compute Stuck locations on good sky") stucksky = stuck_on_sky(hw, tiles, args.lookup_sky_source, rundate=getattr(args, 'rundate', None)) if stucksky is None: # (the pybind code doesn't like None when a dict is expected...) stucksky = {} gt.stop("Compute Stuck locations on good sky") # Create assignment object gt.start("Construct Assignment") asgn = Assignment(tgs, tgsavail, favail, stucksky) gt.stop("Construct Assignment") # We are now going to loop over tiles and assign each one fully before # moving on to the next for tile_id in run( asgn, args.standards_per_petal, args.sky_per_petal, args.sky_per_slitblock, start_tile=tile_id, stop_tile=tile_id, redistribute=(not args.no_redistribute), use_zero_obsremain=(not args.no_zero_obsremain) ) gt.stop("run_assign_bytile calculation") gt.start("run_assign_bytile write output") # Make sure that output directory exists if not os.path.isdir(args.dir): os.makedirs(args.dir) # Optionally get GFA targets gfa_targets = None if args.gfafile is not None: gfa_targets = get_gfa_targets(tiles, args.gfafile) # Write output write_assignment_fits(tiles, tagalong, asgn, out_dir=args.dir, out_prefix=args.prefix, split_dir=args.split, all_targets=args.write_all_targets, gfa_targets=gfa_targets, overwrite=args.overwrite, stucksky=stucksky, tile_xy_cs5=tile_xy_cs5) gt.stop("run_assign_bytile write output") return