
The fiberassign package has some main scripts as well as lower-level python tools that can be used in custom scripts.

Basic Tools

There are several command-line programs which can be used to drive the fiber assignment process. The first is the fba_run script which takes one or more target files and other options

usage: fba_run [-h] --targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...] [--gfafile GFAFILE]
               [--footprint FOOTPRINT] [--tiles TILES]
               [--positioners POSITIONERS] [--status STATUS]
               [--rundate RUNDATE] [--dir DIR] [--prefix PREFIX] [--split]
               [--standards_per_petal STANDARDS_PER_PETAL]
               [--sky_per_petal SKY_PER_PETAL] [--write_all_targets]
               [--overwrite] [--sciencemask SCIENCEMASK] [--stdmask STDMASK]
               [--skymask SKYMASK] [--safemask SAFEMASK]
               [--excludemask EXCLUDEMASK]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...]
                        Input file with targets of any type. This argument can
                        be specified multiple times (for example if standards
                        / skies / science targets are in different files). By
                        default, the DESI_TARGET column and bitfield values
                        defined in desitarget are used to determine the type
                        of each target. Each filename may be optionally
                        followed by comma separated values that will be passed
                        to the arguments of the load_target_file() function.
                        See docs for details.
  --sky SKY [SKY ...]   Input file with sky or 'bad sky' targets. This option
                    exists in order to treat main-survey sky target files
                    as valid for other survey types. If you are running a
                    main survey assignment, you can just pass the sky file
                    to the --targets list.

  --gfafile GFAFILE     Optional GFA targets FITS file
  --footprint FOOTPRINT
                        Optional FITS file defining the footprint. If not
                        specified, the default footprint from desimodel is
  --tiles TILES         Optional text file containing a subset of the tile IDs
                        to use in the footprint, one ID per line. Default uses
                        all tiles in the footprint.
  --positioners POSITIONERS
                        Optional FITS file describing the fiber positioner
                        locations. Default uses the file from desimodel.
  --status STATUS       Optional fiber status file in astropy ECSV format.
                        Default treats all fibers as good.
  --rundate RUNDATE     Optional date to simulate for this run of fiber
                        assignment, used with the fiber status file to
                        determine which fibers currently have problems.
                        Default uses the current date. Format is YYYY-MM-
                        DDTHH:mm:ss in UTC time.
  --dir DIR             Output directory.
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix of each file (before the <tile>.fits).
  --split               Split output into tile prefix directories.
  --standards_per_petal STANDARDS_PER_PETAL
                        Required number of standards per petal
  --sky_per_petal SKY_PER_PETAL
                        Required number of sky targets per petal
  --write_all_targets   When writing target properties, write data for all
                        available targets, not just those which are assigned.
                        This is convenient, but increases the write time and
                        the file size.
  --overwrite           Overwrite any pre-existing output files
  --sciencemask SCIENCEMASK
                        Default DESI_TARGET mask to use for science targets
  --stdmask STDMASK     Default DESI_TARGET mask to use for stdstar targets
  --skymask SKYMASK     Default DESI_TARGET mask to use for sky targets
  --safemask SAFEMASK   Default DESI_TARGET mask to use for safe backup
  --excludemask EXCLUDEMASK
                        Default DESI_TARGET mask to exclude from any

EXAMPLE: One could run this with mostly default options:

%> fba_run --targets mtl.fits standards.fits sky.fits other_targets.fits \
   --write_all_targets \
   --dir out_raw

The names of the target files above are arbitrary and they can contain any targets. The full list of targets is built up in memory from the contents of these files. Running this command will produce an output directory of files (one per tile) containing the basic target information and assignment results. For now, this “raw” output format is slightly different than the one used historically, and does not contain all the information that was in the original target catalog. This will be changed in the future. For now, files with this extra info can be created by post-processing the output with the fba_merge_results script:

usage: fba_merge_results [-h] --targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...] --dir DIR
                         [--prefix PREFIX] [--split] [--out OUT]
                         [--out_prefix OUT_PREFIX] [--out_split]
                         [--columns COLUMNS] [--skip_raw]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...]
                        Input file with targets of any type. This argument can
                        be specified multiple times (for example if standards
                        / skies / science targets are in different files).
  --sky SKY [SKY ...]   Input file with sky or 'bad sky' targets. This option
                    exists in order to treat main-survey sky target files
                    as valid for other survey types. If you are running a
                    main survey assignment, you can just pass the sky file
                    to the --targets list.

  --dir DIR             Directory containing fiberassign results.
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix of each file (before the <tile>.fits).
  --split               Results are in tile prefix directories.
  --out OUT             Output directory for the merged files. Default is the
                        directory containing the fiberassign output.
  --out_prefix OUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix of each output file.
  --out_split           Split output into tile prefix directories.
  --columns COLUMNS     Override the column names of target data to be copied
                        from the target files into the fiber assignment files.
                        This should be a comma-separated list.
  --skip_raw            Do not copy the raw fiberassign HDUs to the merged

EXAMPLE: Continuing our minimal example from above:

%> fba_merge_results \
   --targets mtl.fits standards.fits sky.fits other_targets.fits \
   --dir out_raw \
   --out out_merged

There are several built-in tools for doing quality assurance of the resulting assignment. One of these is the fba_run_qa script. This will compute the per-tile counts for the different target types and write these to JSON file (by default named “qa.json” in the output directory):

usage: fba_run_qa [-h] --dir DIR [--prefix PREFIX] [--split] [--out OUT]
                  [--footprint FOOTPRINT] [--tiles TILES]
                  [--positioners POSITIONERS] [--status STATUS]
                  [--rundate RUNDATE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dir DIR             Directory containing fiberassign outputs.
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix of each file (before the <tile>.fits).
  --split               Results are in tile prefix directories.
  --out OUT             Output file for QA. Default is a file in directory
                        containing the fiberassign output.
  --footprint FOOTPRINT
                        Optional FITS file defining the footprint. If not
                        specified, the default footprint from desimodel is
  --tiles TILES         Optional text file containing a subset of the tile IDs
                        to use in the footprint, one ID per line. Default uses
                        all tiles in the footprint.
  --positioners POSITIONERS
                        Optional FITS file describing the fiber positioner
                        locations. Default uses the file from desimodel.
  --status STATUS       Optional fiber status file in astropy ECSV format.
                        Default treats all fibers as good.
  --rundate RUNDATE     Optional date to simulate for this run of fiber
                        assignment, used with the fiber status file to
                        determine which fibers currently have problems.
                        Default uses the current date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD or
                        YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss in UTC time.

EXAMPLE: One could run this on our example output with:

%> fba_run_qa --dir out_raw

It is also frequently useful to plot the results of the assignment. There are many customized plotting options possible using the low-level tools, but there is also a command-line script to create a PDF format plot of each tile. By default, this script plots all petals of all tiles using a “simple” representation of each positioner (two lines). Running fba_plot_results in this way will require several minutes per tile, but multiple processes will be used to plot tiles in parallel:

usage: fba_plot_results [-h] --dir DIR [--prefix PREFIX] [--split] [--out OUT]
                        [--out_prefix OUT_PREFIX] [--out_split]
                        [--petals PETALS] [--real_shapes]
                        [--footprint FOOTPRINT] [--tiles TILES]
                        [--positioners POSITIONERS] [--status STATUS]
                        [--rundate RUNDATE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dir DIR             Directory containing fiberassign results.
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix of each file (before the <tile>.fits).
  --split               Results are in tile prefix directories.
  --out OUT             Output directory for plots. Default is the directory
                        containing the fiberassign output.
  --out_prefix OUT_PREFIX
                        Prefix of each output file.
  --out_split           Split output into tile prefix directories.
  --petals PETALS       Comma-separated list of petals to plot (default is all
  --real_shapes         Plot the actual positioner shapes. This looks better
                        but takes much longer and makes bigger files.
                        Recommended only for plotting limited tiles / petals.
  --footprint FOOTPRINT
                        Optional FITS file defining the footprint. If not
                        specified, the default footprint from desimodel is
  --tiles TILES         Optional text file containing a subset of the tile IDs
                        to use in the footprint, one ID per line. Default uses
                        all tiles in the footprint.
  --positioners POSITIONERS
                        Optional FITS file describing the fiber positioner
                        locations. Default uses the file from desimodel.
  --status STATUS       Optional fiber status file in astropy ECSV format.
                        Default treats all fibers as good.
  --rundate RUNDATE     Optional date to simulate for this run of fiber
                        assignment, used with the fiber status file to
                        determine which fibers currently have problems.
                        Default uses the current date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD or
                        YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss in UTC time.

EXAMPLE: In our example, let’s plot only one tile and use options to plot the full positioner geometry. Notice how we made a text file with just one tile ID to use:

%> cat plot_tiles.txt
%> fba_plot_results \
   --tiles plot_tiles.txt \
   --dir out_raw \

In the plot above, science targets are red, sky is blue, standards are orange, and dual science / standard targets are green.

We can also make a crude visualization of the QA for the entire footprint using the fba_plot_qa script. Note that when plotting only a few tiles the resulting plot is not as useful (but in that case you can get the numbers directly out of the JSON):

usage: fba_plot_qa [-h] --qafile QAFILE [--outroot OUTROOT] [--labels]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --qafile QAFILE    Input QA file.
  --outroot OUTROOT  Output root file name. Default uses input.
  --labels           Plot tile IDs at center of circles.

EXAMPLE: For our small test above we could do:

%> fba_plot_qa --qafile "out_raw/qa.json"

If you are only plotting a few tiles and want to see the tile IDs on the plot, use the –labels option.


Document the use of the qa-fiberassign tool, after verifying that it still works.

Interactive Debugging and Testing

The fiberassign codebase respects the DESI_LOGLEVEL environment variable. The default level if this is not set is “INFO”. Setting this environment variable to “DEBUG” will produce more detailed output. There are other environment variables that can be set to dump even more details about the internal assignment process. Examples:

%> export DESI_DEBUG_TARGET=123456789
%> export DESI_DEBUG_LOCATION=4321
%> export DESI_DEBUG_TILE=1111

These options are combined with a logical OR and any combination of tile, fiber, or target specified will have all possible info logged.


Use of these “extra” debug variables will have a HUGE impact on code performance. Do not use in large production runs.

Data File Testing

It is often useful to see if a given set of input target files are compatible with all of the commandline tools in fiberassign. This usage pattern was so common that a high-level script was created:

usage: fba_fulltest [-h] --targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...] [--sky SKY [SKY ...]]
                    [--gfafile GFAFILE] [--footprint FOOTPRINT]
                    [--tiles TILES] [--out OUT] [--plotpetals PLOTPETALS]
                    [--positioners POSITIONERS] [--status STATUS]
                    [--rundate RUNDATE]
                    [--standards_per_petal STANDARDS_PER_PETAL]
                    [--sky_per_petal SKY_PER_PETAL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...]
                        Input file with targets of any type. This argument can
                        be specified multiple times (for example if standards
                        / skies / science targets are in different files). By
                        default, the '--mask_column' (default
                        DESI_TARGET)column and bitfield values defined in
                        desitarget are used to determine the type of each
                        target. Each filename may be optionally followed by
                        comma and then one of the strings 'science',
                        'standard', 'sky' or 'safe' to force all targets in
                        that file to be treated as a fixed target type.
  --sky SKY [SKY ...]   Input file with sky or 'bad sky' targets. This option
                        exists in order to treat main-survey sky target files
                        as valid for other survey types. If you are running a
                        main survey assignment, you can just pass the sky file
                        to the --targets list.
  --gfafile GFAFILE     Optional GFA targets FITS file
  --footprint FOOTPRINT
                        Optional FITS file defining the footprint. If not
                        specified, the default footprint from desimodel is
  --tiles TILES         Optional text file containing a subset of the tile IDs
                        to use in the footprint, one ID per line. Default uses
                        all tiles in the footprint.
  --out OUT             Top-level output directory.
  --plotpetals PLOTPETALS
                        Comma-separated list of petals to plot (default is all
  --positioners POSITIONERS
                        Optional FITS file describing the fiber positioner
                        locations. Default uses the file from desimodel.
  --status STATUS       Optional fiber status file in astropy ECSV format.
                        Default treats all fibers as good.
  --rundate RUNDATE     Optional date to simulate for this run of fiber
                        assignment, used with the fiber status file to
                        determine which fibers currently have problems.
                        Default uses the current date. Format is YYYY-MM-
                        DDTHH:mm:ss in UTC time.
  --standards_per_petal STANDARDS_PER_PETAL
                        Required number of standards per petal
  --sky_per_petal SKY_PER_PETAL
                        Required number of sky targets per petal

This runs the specified files through the assignment and merging, as well as running QA and plotting on both the raw outputs and the merged outputs.

Legacy Compatibility Wrappers

In order to maintain backwards compatibility with the previous version of fiberassign, there is a replacement wrapper script called fiberassign which translates the command line options into arguments to pass to the newer scripts.

Running fiberassign --help gives the full set of command line options:

usage: fiberassign [-h] --mtl MTL --sky SKY --stdstar STDSTAR
                 --fibstatusfile FIBSTATUSFILE
                 [--footprint FOOTPRINT]
                 [--positioners POSITIONERS] [--surveytiles SURVEYTILES]
                 [--telra TELRA] [--teldec TELDEC] [--tileid TILEID]
                 [--tileobsconditions TILEOBSCONDITIONS] [--outdir OUTDIR]
                 [--starmask STARMASK] [--rundate RUNDATE]
                 [--gfafile GFAFILE] [--nstarpetal NSTARPETAL]
                 [--nskypetal NSKYPETAL] [--nocleanup]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--mtl MTL             input targets (FITS file)
--sky SKY             input sky positions (FITS file)
--stdstar STDSTAR     input std stars (FITS file)
--fibstatusfile FIBSTATUSFILE
                      list of positioners and its status (ECSV file)
--footprint FOOTPRINT
                      list of tiles defining the footprint (FITS file)
--positioners POSITIONERS
                      list of positioners on the focal plane (FITS file)
--surveytiles SURVEYTILES
                      set of tiles to run fiberassign on (text file)
--telra TELRA         Right Ascension of arbitrary pointing - overrides
--teldec TELDEC       Declination of arbitrary pointing - overrides
--tileid TILEID       Integer ID of arbitrary pointing - overrides
--tileobsconditions TILEOBSCONDITIONS
                      Mask describing observing program (DARK:1, GRAY:2,
                      BRIGHT:4) - overrides --surveytiles
--outdir OUTDIR       output directory (default = ./)
--starmask STARMASK   integer mask defining standard stars
--rundate RUNDATE     run date [YYYY-MM-DD]
--gfafile GFAFILE     GFA file (FITS tile)
--nstarpetal NSTARPETAL
                      number of standard stars per petal (default=10)
--nskypetal NSKYPETAL
                      number of sky fibers per petal (default=40)

An example that provides the minimal set of required arguments would be:

fiberassign  --mtl mtl.fits --stdstar std.fits --sky sky.fits
--fibstatusfile fiberstatus.ecsv --outdir $SCRATCH/temp/

In this example there are four files that must be explicitly provided:

  • mtl.fits: DESI Merged Target List files contain a single binary table covering the entire footprint. They contain the variables in the Targets files plus other variables that define the priority and number of observations as required by fiber assignment. These variables are computed using the available information both in the target and the DESI redshift catalogs. The full datamodel can be found here.

  • std.fits: DESI standard star locations contain a single binary table covering the entire footprint. They contain the variables in the Targets files with the objects that were flagged as standards. This file follows the mtl datamodel.

  • sky.fits: DESI sky locations contain a single binary table covering the entire Legacy Surveys footprint. The imaging “blob maps” are bisected to achieve a requisite number of sky locations per sq. deg. Sky locations are placed within the bisected grid as far from blobs that contain sources as is possible. Flux is measured in an aperture at each sky location. This file follows the mtl datamodel.

  • fiberstatus.ecsv: